Robotics for Beginners Cover

Get your child coding, building robots, and exploring AI-

No matter their experience!

Our program places students in the perfect stage (Foundation, Bridge, or Specialization) based on their skills.

  • Foundation: Beginners start with block-based coding (Scratch, MakeCode) for a fun introduction.
  • Bridge: Students with some knowledge move to text-based coding with Python, a powerful language for AI and robotics.
  • Specialization: Experienced students delve into AI, tackling real-world projects in robotics and AI!

All stages:
Build robots, explore AI concepts, and develop problem-solving and teamwork skills.

Perfect for All Ages!

We welcome students of all ages to explore the exciting world of Robotics & AI! Here's a general guideline for age ranges:

  • Primary/Elementary (Ages 7-9) Typically grades 1-4.
  • Middle School (Ages 10-12): Typically grades 5-7.
  • High School (Ages 13-17): Typically grades 8-12.

Course Fees: 150$

Course Duration: 15-16 hrs.

Register now and save 10% for siblings!

We can't wait to spark your child's passion for the future!